Reader Illustrated Series
Help us visualize the amazing growth story of Famtasia and Friends!Book One: Famtasia The Sheep

Reader Illustration: Famtasia the Sheep
This Book is dedicated to the many farm animals I call my friends and family.
And to my mom and dad, who love me and let me figure it out. <3
Book Two: Famtasia Family Campout

Reader Illustration: Famtasia Family Campout
After you've read Famtasia Family Campout, try the FestiQuests in the back of the book and check back on our website for promotions and contests!
Book Three: Princess Caroline and the Giant

Princess Caroline and the Giant
A Rewarding Game of Activities and GrowthHOW TO PLAY: Read the FestiQuest Book and do your best to enjoy all the quests! Fill out the unique Quest-ionnaire to each Festiquest book to complete the quests and be entered into our monthly Raffle of Kindness. In addition to our Raffle of Kindness, the FestiJesters (the operators of FestiQuest) will choose their favorite answers to reward additional prizes!