


FestiQuest is a game that provides a guide and ideas to its players and fan engagement for our clients.  FestiQuest started at music festivals with deeds of kindness, harmless pranks, and rewarding others for picking up trash.  FestiQuest traveled to Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, providing safe and family friendly guides to explore the event, participate, and get to know each other.  

With the Pandemic, FestiQuest had to stay home.  But it’s creator Krystal Glushien had a quest of her own.  To bring FestiQuest to the homes and communities who need a guide and a little boost of motivation to grow with each day.   

FestiQuest now hopes to provide these game beyond the events, and grow with our players as we adapt and test out our new website!  Every month we will have a new prize to give out to our winner of our promotional drawing “The Raffle of Kindness,” a drawing in which your tickets are won through completing quests!


FestiQuest Info Deck


Go to our website and seek out our FestiQuest Books from the menu.  Each questbook has it’s own Quest-ionnaire (you see what we did there?!) which you fill out to claim completed quests for entries into our monthly “Raffle of Kindness.”  Be sure to provide your email address so we can email you if you have won!  From there we will ask your for the mailing address to send your prize!

In the next month, big changes will be happening to our site so keep checking back to evolve with us.


Every month we will select a random winner to win our “Raffle of Kindness” from the entries completed over the month.  We will post that month’s winner in an announcement on our Home Page.  In addition, we will go through the answers and the submissions to find players who deserve a reward less random.  These rewards will be awarded to players who have gone above and beyond in their FestiQuests or who submit nominations for members of their community they think deserve a reward.


Each monthly “Raffle of Kindness” will have prizes from our sponsors and friends.  Check our homepage to see this month’s prizes!  Our special awards are button pins designed and assigned for the player and their great quest and their accomplishments.  We also will occasionally award prizes based on nomination, so FestiQuesters may recognize members of their community who deserve recognition.

Prizes will be sent to our winners each month so be sure to leave an active and correct email to win your prize.  Your email will not be shared unless specifically given permission from our players.


It’s Free for players as we Beta test and are under construction.  We do accept donations and we provide market affiliation links scattered across our Website.  Prizes are donated by our sponsors and friends.  If you would like to donate to FestiQuest.com, please contact Krystal Glushien, our creator and writer at: Info@FestiQuest.com


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