What is Festiquest?

  FestiQuest turns an event, business, and customers’ experience into a game and rewards participants for their deeds and acts of kindness.

It helps people of all ages interact with a restaurant, shop, or party and helps a quester in social situations with crowds!

We develop quest booklets, campaigns, and superpowers for businesses to provide to their friends, fans, and customers.  These quest booklets are guides for the quester so that when navigating their experience, they are exploring and engaging with a goal in mind.

How Do I Play?

Register or Sign into your FestiQuest account and choose a FestiQuest Book.

Once you’ve finished the quest, click on the link on the book’s page that leads to the questionnaire form for that book. Once you complete the form, your account will be credited with points for that book. It’s that simple!!!

Every quest book is worth at least 10 points. Some books may be worth more. You can also earn 10 points right off the bat, simply by registering on the website! What are the points for?  We aren’t quite sure yet.  But when we know, our points will become useful!


Festiquest Books - EARN POINTS:

Festiquest has many books and adventures you can do to earn points. Some can be done at home, while some can only be done in specific loacations. Feel free to explore the categories below and find as many quests to do as you can. Remember, the more quests you complete, the more points you'll receive to be put towards this summer's fun and your chances to win prizes!  Stay Tuned!

Before We Proceed, Don’t Forget to Follow Us on the Socials:

You Can Also Donate To the Cause, and Score More Points!

Here are Some Our Past Raffle of Kindness Winners:

December's and January's Raffle of Kindness Winner Is... ANCIENT WARRIOR!

Ancient Warrior has won the Raffle of Kindness again!  She has been questing up a storm and always happy to post her adventures with Snakezilla, her young offspring.  The Snowy Mountain hat was chosen and has been added to her collection of FestiQuest prizes and awards.

Our favorite answer she gave in the quest-ionnaire was her story how she pranked someone else in order to work on The Quest of the Broken Heart!


The winner of February’s Raffle of Kindness is…. Ginger!

The winner of March’s Raffle of Kindness is…. Colleen!  Colleen taught some of her music classes using FestiQuest’s The Quest to be a Bard.  It was such a great surprise when it was her name drawn out of the magic wizard hat!

Media Credits:  https://pixabay.com/images/search/user:stine86engel/


FestiQuest Logo made by:  @alphaphreek found on Facebook or Instagram